
Showing posts from February, 2023

Less EMS.

EMS is to be cut from an already inadequate 26 weeks to 20. Lots of excuses from the College about increased numbers of students meeting reduced numbers of practices prepared to take EMS placements (what practices, independents, corporates ?). Even more about how poorer students can't afford the time off from the part-time jobs they rely on to fund themselves through college. Perhaps if the RCVS hadn't splashed £20 millions on their new palace in Clerkenwell, a significant sum (£10 million ?) could have been invested to provide income for just such deserving cases.  RCVS spends £20 million on new HQ  I've heard from a number of sources that certain large organisations have a blanket 'no students' policy. Perhaps the College instead of greenwashing the Practice Standards Scheme, should include taking school children and VS students in the core requirements.  I imagine the EMS practices will need to meet increasingly the onerous regulations the College are preparin...

Diversity n' Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion have become very popular subjects with the College recently but not gender diversity. Although comprising half the population, currently less than 20% of all admissions to Britain’s 8 veterinary schools are male. Apart from equity there are good practical reasons to encourage more men into the profession. Men are more likely to practice for longer, work full time rather than part time, accept leadership roles and work in the less glamorous branches of the profession, e.g. in the meat industry. Given that developmentally boys brains lag several years behind girls, particularly those parts associated with planning and future orientation, and given the disparity is greatest in the period when those all-important exams are being taken, is it surprising that boys in their late teens just can’t compete ?  A former President recently lamented the persistence of ‘systemic sexism’ in the profession, perhaps this is what she had in mind, somehow I doubt it. If you wa...