More of the same … ?
I sometimes think the only way the College survives is through the voluntary, willed disinterest of the membership. Most people actively avoid reading their relentlessly irrelevant newsletters or emails let alone the heavier stuff, which is probably just as well.
A good example of something that missed processing is the RCVS Standards and Guidance for the Accreditation of Veterinary Degree Programmes 2023.
When hardly a week goes by without some reference, somewhere, in some RCVS communication, about mitigating ‘workforce issues,’ one can only wonder at a process that managed to produce 40 pages of ‘guidance’ for universities with hardly a mention of improving the criteria for entry into the undergraduate degree course. No practical steps towards selection on the basis of proven vocation and not just exam results, nor of candidate maturity, nor of moving towards post graduate entry, nor of improving the gender balance, nor indeed of anything that might at the end of five years, produce a cohort of young men and women who actually want to practice. But … 26 mentions of Diversity or Diversity and Inclusion, 5 of discrimination and 4 of Bias.
Like their ‘friends and family’ workforce summit, it’s replete with ‘progressive’ pieties but completely lacking any substance.
As somebody once said, you can’t polish one but you sure can roll it in glitter.
Update - Funny how Cambridge passed for all those years isn't it ?
RCVS Standards and Guidance for the Accreditation of Veterinary Degree Programmes 2023