Governance and the RCVS. No see, no hear, no give a monkey's what the membership think.


In April the results of the 2024 RCVS Council were announced. Three candidates were elected, Zara Kennedy, Sinéad Bennett and David Barrett. Two of the candidates (Sinéad Bennett and David Barrett) made it clear in their manifestoes that they were opposed to an appointed Council. Looking at the manifestoes of all 14 candidates, it appears that 7 were openly opposed to an appointments system, some vehemently. The only candidate directly associated with the proposal, ex-President Kate Richards, was defeated.

Scroll forward six weeks to the 10th of June and the first day of the RCVS consultation on Governance. What do we find ? An acceptance of the membership's near total rejection of an appointed Council ? Far from it. Instead we have page upon page of biased 'recommendations' and a tone deaf video by an ex-President here which is billed as 'An Introduction to our Good Governance Consultation.' In reality it's a one-sided propaganda piece in which we're told that we must move to an appointed system because it is the norm

An example of the norm she used was the GMC - the General Medical Council

Will this be the same GMC that was labelled as 'Dysfunctional' and 'Not Fit for Purpose' in the British Medical Journal last year. The same GMC that was the subject of a British Medical Association no-confidence motion calling for the leadership, ‘to be dismissed’ and replaced by a team that, ‘commands the confidence and support of the medical profession’ The same GMC that has been imposing fitness to practise sanctions ‘on vulnerable doctors in order to send a message to the wider medical profession.’ 28 of whom have died from suicide or suspected suicide during the investigations. Let's be clear - the great and overwhelming majority of the medical profession loathe and despise the GMC, and for good reason. But it's appointed so the Doctors can't dismiss it, they're stuck with it. Like we would be stuck with an appointed RCVS.
So it looks as if the 'norm' our clueless College is suggesting we emulate is 'Dysfunctional' and 'not fit for purpose.' (sound familiar ?)

Don't be seduced by anyone, no matter how nice and cuddly and empathetic and 'kind' they seem, if they're not prepared to fight tooth and nail to defend your right to an elected Council. 

It's your vote; use it (wisely) or lose it forever.

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