
Showing posts from December, 2024

'When Kissinger won the Nobel peace prize, satire died'

  So said the brilliant singer, song-writer, satirist and mathematician, Tom Lehrer ... well not quite Tom, not quite. On the 18th of January 2024 the RCVS voted by a majority of 16 to 5 to abolish  Council elections and replace them with an 'independent appointments system.' One of the sixteen who voted to end elections and move to an appointments based system (Kate Richards) stood for election in March 2024 and was roundly beaten. An almost unheard of event for a past President. The candidates for the new election in 2025 will shortly be announced. Be assured Samizdat will advise our loyal readers if any of the candidates standing for election/re-election voted to end the electoral process. If we lose the vote the practicing profession loses its voice - forever,  This is excellent - The Elements by Tom Lehrer If you want to read more posts, click on the arrow 🠈 on the top left of the page or on the 'MORE POSTS' button at the bottom.

Rules for thee but not for me.

' The  Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has introduced environmental sustainability requirements as part of the  Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) . These requirements aim to address the global climate crisis and encourage veterinary practices to lead the way in sustainability.  The key points include a w ritten environmental sustainability policy for all practices and nominating a d edicated sustainability champion or team.' More virtue signalling from the College, more pointless paperwork for overworked vets. Good for big corporations with compliance departments. Bad for the smaller practice tied up with inconsequential trivia such as ... oh, I dunno ... patient care ?  But don't be downhearted, help is at hand. China might be building two large coal fired power stations per week, but the  Greener Veterinary Practice website has some useful hints to help us all do our teeny tiny bit. These include,  'reducing the use of disposable surgical textiles,' c...

London calling ... as bl**dy usual

'The RCVS will be holding an informal evening for registered veterinary surgeons who who may be interested in becoming members of the Preliminary Investigations Committee (PIC) and Disciplinary Committee (DC).' Received by email 24th February 2024 ... Sorry all places taken 25th February ! It never ceases to amaze me how short the shelf life of these adverts is, it's almost as if they don't want us to attend. I'd be interested to know whether anyone from Northern Ireland, or the north of Scotland, or rural Wales made the (day long) trip to London just to express an interest ... I doubt it. Is this an example of what the College calls an Independent Selection Process, if so it doesn’t bode well for an appointments based Council. Another event for those in the know south of the M25 ? If you want to read more posts, click on the arrow 🠈 on the top left of the page or on the 'MORE POSTS' button at the bottom. If you want updates from NMC click on the menu top l...

Time up for Question Time ?

  The College is a secretive organisation, it hates parting with information; fact. Whether it's member's questions or muzzling the Council with threats of disciplinary proceedings, the RCVS is an information black-hole. So the decision to stage public Question Time  events seemed like the first glimmerings of hope. The format was simple, invite the membership, dish up some food and let them loose ... well not quite Lord Copper, not quite. The invitations went out and the food appeared but that's where any resemblance to the advertised event stopped. Each of the evenings I attended opened with a question which had (so we were told) been submitted in writing before the meeting began. Initially I was a bit confused. Why should a question submitted anonymously by someone who couldn't be bothered to attend in person take precedence over those who had made the  effort ? Silly me. By taking control of the narrative from the get-go, the College was able to steer the conversat...

So where are they putting the Throne Room ?

  College spends £20 million on extravagant new HQ - see estate agency blurb here  (it takes a while to load but it's well worth it, if only to see how carefully they spend our money). Who cares if the practicing profession is on its knees, be of good cheer, the RCVS has purchased a new HQ in fashionable Clerkenwell, home to global mega-brands such as  Fred Perry , Unilever , Microsoft  and Linkedin.   A snip at £20 million   it boasts 20,000 square feet of ‘media style offices’ and is well suited to ‘remote and hybrid working.’ Which begs the question, if the future emphasis will be on ' remote and hybrid working'  why did we not buy the same space for a third of the price in Leeds or Manchester ?  It would be nice to know what arguments were advanced and by whom to justify this grotesque indulgence  (Pay up suckers) Perhaps the ‘stylish glass box penthouse with sensational views across Central London,’  (see background photo),...