So where are they putting the Throne Room ?

 College spends £20 million on extravagant new HQ - see here

Who cares if the practicing profession is on its knees, be of good cheer, the RCVS has just purchased its new HQ in fashionable Clerkenwell, home to global mega-brands such as Fred Perry, Unilever, Microsoft and Linkedin. A snip at £20 million it boasts 20,000 square feet of ‘media style offices’ and is well suited to ‘remote and hybrid working.’ Which begs the question, if the future emphasis will be on remote and hybrid working, why did we not buy the same space for a third of the price in Leeds or Manchester ? 

It would be nice to know what arguments were advanced and by whom to justify this grotesque indulgence (Pay up suckers) Perhaps the ‘stylish glass box penthouse with sensational views across Central London,’ (see background photo), or the 'Fashionable residential schemes, boutique hotels and high-class restaurants with an unparalleled choice of cuisines,' had something to do with it. Unfortunately Estate Strategy Meetings are confidential and since RCVS Council members are now forbidden to publicly criticise Council decisions, we will never know (Ball gag and no balls). 

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