Another nice little earner.

'The mandatory regulation of veterinary practices, including statutory powers of entry and inspection, is one of the key elements of RCVS proposals for new primary legislation that would replace the current Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.'

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how this is going to go. A bit like the PSS but worse. Heavy on written protocols, heavy on tick-boxes, heavy on whatever 'progressive' nonsense has currently caught the College's butterfly attention (have you appointed your sustainability champion yet ?) Light on practicality, light on affordable treatment, light on serving a community. Good for big employers with compliance departments dedicated to fielding this sort of garbage. Bad for smaller practices who prefer to dedicate their finite time and resources to intangibles like patient care (but if you can't record it, it ain't happening - right?). And of course it'll come with a nice fat fee attached. 

Another attempt to raise the bureaucratic bar by the Really Corporate Veterinary Society.  


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