So, who's for an elected Council and who's not ?.

'RCVS council elections to be scrapped in a governance shake-up that may help to secure long-sought reform of veterinary sector legislation.'

So said the Vet Times last year. Voting is old hat apparently. According to the RCVS and their supporters the way forward is by scrapping the final, threadbare vestiges of democratic accountability and handing everything over to appointees. Sounds legit. The appointments process, like everything the RCVS does, will be totally transparent of course ... totally ... and if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. 

Meantime new elections are upon us. Of the current crop of former Council members seeking re-election only Will Wilkinson voted to retain an elected Council. 😊

Tshidi Gardiner voted to end elections and move to an appointed Council. 😟

Louise Allum was on Council but doesn't seem to have voted. There is no mention of whether she supports an elected or appointed Council on her candidate statement. Perhaps we should ask.

It's important we know these things.

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