FOI - Freedom of Information ?
Remote Controlling & Very Secretive.
The Freedom of Information Act is based on the idea that more openness leads to more trust between society and public bodies, or in our case, the membership and the RCVS. So if you submit a question to the RCVS, don't be surprised if you get an email back saying your request is being dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act. Goodness, you think, they must be taking it seriously, this is good news - yes? Well actually no. The College have discovered a clever little wheeze. By sticking strictly to the very narrow letter of the law their clever lawyers are able to avoid giving straight answers. Isn't it a bit ironic, that an Act of Parliament intended to make organisations more accountable, has been cunningly applied by our wonderfully open, compassionate, diverse, inclusive (insert your own superlative here) College, to actually limit accountability. They hate sharing information with us plebs, they really do.
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